Dresden Green Diamond
In late 1988, GIA gemologists secured permission to examine the famed Dresden Green diamond in the Green Vaults, which was then in East Germany. They were particularly excited, as it promised to provide insight into distinguishing natural from laboratory-irradiated green diamonds (radiation is usually the cause of color in both instances). Because the diamond’s history had been recorded since 1741, researchers could be confident that it had not been treated in a laboratory. As the diamond remained mounted upon examination, GIA gemologists were not able to issue a grading report.
GIA researchers described the Dresden Green as Fancy green, with a modified pear-shaped brilliant cut. The natural green color has medium tone and slightly grayish saturation. The Green Vaults records indicate it weighs 41 ct.
The largest green diamond ever found now shines again in the Neues Grünes Gewölbe (New Green Vault). The newly designed Watzdorf Cabinet in the Residenzschloss Dresden (Royal Palace) surprises with a fascinating face and multimedia background stories about the precious piece of the diamond set from the royal jewel treasure.
Dresden Green Diamond Replica Cubic Zirconia
Dresden green diamond is light green color diamond and one of famous diamonds in the world. Its weight 41 carats and measurement 29.75mm x 19.88mm x 10.29mm. We can make a replica of dresden green diamond with shape and cutting, it is approximate 77 carats with cubic zirconia replica, since cubic zirconia is more heavy (proportion) than diamond's. If you are a fan of famous diamond and intested in replicas, please contact us and our cutter can make replicas for you.We also can make replicas in different colors with cubic zirconia.
emerald green color
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