Krupp Diamond

Elizabeth Taylor Krupp Diamond Replica Cubic Zirconia

Krupp diamond is one of famous diamonds in the world, a real Krupp diamond is 33.19 carats and was bought by Richard Burton for his wife, Elizabeth Taylor in 1968.(also known as the Taylor Burton diamond) It's enlonged asscher cut and crystal white stone. Now many people are finding a replica of Krupp diamond to make a beautiful ring. We reproduce many styles of famous diamond in CZ like hope diamond, tiffany, french blue, Cullinan and more. We can reproduce same shape and meansurements of famous diamond. 

Here are picutres as for your reference:

Krupp Diamond Cubic Zirconia
Krupp Diamond Replica
famous krupp diamond replica

Elizabeth Taylor Krupp Diamond Ring

Customized  Color Green Cubic Zirconia Krupp Diamond Replica:

Green Krupp Diamond Replica
Green Krupp Diamond Replica CZ
Krupp Diamond Replica for Sale

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